Don Knotts, aka Barney Fife, passed away this past Friday at the age of 81. And with him goes a little piece of my childhood. I, like many others of you I'm sure, grew up watching the Andy Griffith Show and Barney was always the real star of the show. This photo was taken in 2001 in Knoxville at the Mayberry Reunion held at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. I was fortunate enough to meet many of the stars of the show over the three days we covered the event, even spending a couple of hours in a pub with Betty Lynn who played Thelma Lou and Maggie Peterson, better known as Charlene Darling. But Barney was, as always, the show stopper. Barney, you will be missed. Check out all things Mayberry at http://www.mayberry.com.