The cute kid in the picture is Geontae Glass. G, as his family calls him, was 5 years old. Was, because G is dead, killed by his Mom and her boyfriend. It is actually pretty hard for me to type right now because I am just so angry. G was in kindergarten, a smart kid who loved hugs and going fishing. G is now having an autopsy done on him to determine the manner of his untimely death.
This story started out as a stolen car with a kid asleep in the backseat. An Amber Alert is issued, police all over the state on the lookout for the stolen car, helicopters are brought in to scour the area. But according to police, mom's story started breaking down as the day wore on. Then about 1am this morning, police find the car with G inside, hidden in the trunk, dead. Now, mom and boyfriend are in jail, charged in G's murder. Seems it was all a hoax, a story made up to hide the fact that the people meant to care for a child are actually the ones who killed him. And why did he die? Police say it looks like the boyfriend beat little G for bringing home a bad report card. A bad report card in kindergarten. Just how bad could it have been to merit this kind of punishment? Not coloring in the lines? Staying awake during nap time?
I'm sorry, but I have a 5 year old and this hits very close to home for me. This is the bad part of this job, that you get to see the nasty underbelly of our society. As the title reads, I just don't think there is a Hell hot enough for someone who could do this to a child. Right now I want to be home hugging my kids and thanking the Good Lord for blessing me with such a wonderful, loving family. Unfortunately I am still at work, staying late to put together a story for the 10pm news, my third package of the day. Rest in peace, G. You deserve it.
1 comment:
I agree totally. We need to pray for all those involved in the search. I know the those involved have to be both emotionally adn physically drained. Justice should be served in an orderly fashion.
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