In case you didn't notice, I have been on a history kick lately. We have been doing stories in advance for the Iron Bowl this year and one of our stories is about the history of the annual Alabama-Auburn game. This is a picture taken of that first game played in Birmingham. Thanks to the Bryant Museum in Tuscaloosa for the photos and all their help. This picture has written on it "Dorsey makes first touchdown (four points)". I don't know if Dorsey played for Alabama or Auburn, but notice that a touchdown counted only 4 points back then. Also notice the people sitting on the top of the fence watching the game. And I don't know if you can see it or not, but the guy at the left of the picture in the hat is a referee. I also think he has a cane, maybe instead of a flag he would bopp you in the head with his cane. Anyway, thought this was an interesting photo. And yes, Auburn won the game 32-22.