What A Day!
We don't get that many visitors here at the Sand Mtn. Bureau so I like to put up pictures when we have a special one. Tonight, Carson went to shoot the Fyffe at Sylvania football game and he got to drive the Ch. 19 Weather Endeavor there and back to the bureau. This will go up with the Skylink picture, and soon I need to put up a picture of Skycam 19 when it visited us here. Oh, Carson had to shoot football because your faithful photog had to go to Fayetteville and shoot at the funeral for the Huntsville police officer who was shot and killed this week. So, I left Fayetteville at about 6:15 to head back to Sand Mtn. to shoot football at Section. Thanks to Carson for getting the Sylvania game for tonight's highlights. Tomorrow I'm off to Tuscaloosa to shoot the Alabama - Middle Tenn. State game. Unfortunately, it is a very late start so I hope to get some pictures from that game on Sunday. Have a great weekend!!
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