A day in the life of a photographer, husband and father; not always in that order.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Visit To Bear Bryant's Gravesite
Today, Carson and I went to a place I had always wanted to visit but just never got around to. We visited Bear Bryant's gravesite at Elmwood Cemetary in Birmingham. We are doing some stories in advance for the Iron Bowl and we went to the cemetary for one of the stories. First of all, there is a crimson line painted on the drive that takes you to his gravesite. The most surprising thing I quess was just how simple the site was. Just a simple headstone marking this as the family plot and a plaque marking his grave. Nothing at all about his being a coach, nothing about Alabama. Just simple. I'm sure those of you out there who are Alabama fans and who were alive at the time remember where you were when you heard that the Bear had passed away. I know I do. And I remember the pictures of hundreds of thousands of people lining the road to say goodbye as his funeral procession passed down the road. So to see his gravesite today brought back all those memories. Those of you who are not Alabama fans probably dont understand our fascination with Bear Bryant. All I know is that growing up all I wanted to do was play football for the Bear at Alabama. And he remains a big part of Alabama football, and hopefully always will.
I'm the photographer for WHNT TV's Sand Mountain Bureau in Albertville, Alabama. I'm married to a wonderful, beautiful woman, Wende, and we have two great kids, Forrest and Jemma.
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