Family Weekend, Or Go Gamecocks!!

Couple of pictures to put up of the kids. First is my little Jemma, dressed up as a witch for her preschool Halloween party. Isn't she just the cutest thing? Next picture was taken this Saturday when the family loaded up and headed out to the Homecoming festivities at Jacksonville State University. Both Wende and myself went to school there and we haven't been back in quite a while. Weather was great and the Gamecocks won, so a great time was had by all. On Sunday, your favorite Sand Mtn. Bureau blogger(Since Carson pulled the plug on his) took in a Tennessee Titans game. Pictures and commentary from that game will be on the next post. So stated tuned Loyal Readers, I promise it will be worth the wait.
1 comment:
Thanks for posting. Could you please talk Carson into coming back to his blog. If only once a month it would be great.
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